Searching in the App

The search options in the app differ depending on whether you are connected to the internet or searching offline with downloaded maps. The search functionality is the same for the web, mobile applications, and Android Auto or CarPlay.

Before I Start Typing/Search

Online search, meaning with an internet connection, offers the same options as searching in the web interface. It can recognize typos and aliases, and it always searches the current database, including most companies and businesses.

The results are always influenced by the map area you are viewing, your location, and the language in which you enter your query.

When you tap into the search field, a menu will appear containing various items. At the top, you will find your favorite navigation destinations (places you frequently navigate to), search history, and categories such as trip ideas, restaurants, and many more.

Favorite Destinations

  • are sorted by the likelihood that you will visit that place
  • are accessible only to registered users
  • show the estimated time it would take to reach the place by car
  • include Home and Work among the locations
  • are accessible offline
  • can be deleted on the website (in the same section - Full History - delete entire history)

Search History

  • the history is sorted by the most recent usage
  • is accessible only to registered users
  • contains both details of locations and searched terms
  • the app shows the last 50 searches
  • items from both offline and online searches are saved in the history
  • the history is accessible offline
  • deleting history can be done by swiping an item to the side (individually) or through bulk deletion on the website (Full History - delete entire history)


  • categories are sorted based on your usage - how often you search for each
  • are accessible to all users
  • categories are also available offline (limited to the 16 most common)

Online/Offline Search - Suggestions

As soon as you type the first character, the app will start suggesting likely variations of what you might be looking for.

It offers favorite destinations, places or terms from your search history, locations saved in My Maps, categories, frequently searched queries, and organic results. It mixes all these options and presents them to you. By clicking on a suggestion, you can access that location or search for the selected term.

If there are no suggested results for your input, we offer to search for your query (e.g., "where does grandma live?" in the area).


Tip: If you want to search for an address like "Kutnohorská 456," just type "Kutno..." and the result will be suggested. On the right, you will find the "č.p" button, which allows you to easily add the house number.

For the suggested result, you will find the "Plan" button on the right—tapping it will add the location directly as a destination in the planner.

Voice Search (Voice Input)

On supported devices, you can also search using voice commands (you’ll find the microphone symbol in the search bar).
After speaking, your voice will be converted to text and searched. To use this feature on Android, you need to have the text-to-speech (TTS) module installed, and on iOS, you need to enable Siri. Voice input works only online.

Tip: You can give voice commands like "navigate me home" or "navigate to Hruboskalská 339." If the input is clear enough, the action will be executed, and navigation will start. This also applies to CarPlay and Android Auto.

Typing "Distance Prague Brno" will launch the planner and create a route from Prague to Brno.

Online/Offline Search - Searching

If you type your query and press "enter" on the keyboard, the expression will be searched. Some results may provide information on why they were found (e.g., from search history, due to ratings, or the content of their website).

You can also search for parts of names, points of interest, or GPS coordinates (in some supported formats).

The offline search database is smaller than the online one, so identical results may not always be found.

Filtering Search Results

Search results can be filtered by parameters such as ratings and opening hours.
Filtering is only available online.

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