Addresses, cities, streets

Find what you need, quickly and easily

  • search for 4,000,000 addresses, 80,000 streets and 10,000 municipalities in the Czech Republic and Slovakia
  • more than 590,000 companies thanks to the connection with the service
  • tens of thousands of tourist POIs
  • and much more - castles, palaces, peaks, rivers, tourist signs ...

How to search on

Searching works on the same principle on all map types from As soon as the first character is entered into the search field, the auto suggest feature immediately starts to offer appropriate suggestions.

You can easily delete your search term by clicking the cross icon in the search field.

From the search result you can get back to the search by clicking the "X Close" button in the upper left corner of the sidebar.
Each search result is displayed in the sidebar and marked by a pin icon or as a highlighted area on the map.

The sidebar also displays available photos, options for switching to Panoramic or 3D view, available photos of other users and more detailed information about the searched term. 

By all search results, following links and buttons are available:

Save to My Maps
- GPS coordinates
Map sharing
Route planning
Tips for interesting trips nearby the search point

To begin your search, just type in the search field the first few characters of the address, city name or any other destination and choose a search suggestion offered to you automatically or click the magnifying glass icon button. The more accurate your query is, the better your search result will be, such as: You can search not only for addresses and cities in the Czech Republic, but also worldwide:
Searched streets are color-coded along their entire length, as are the regions and counties with their borders:
In the same way, entire mountain ranges, protected landscape areas, national parks, watercourses, reservoirs and many other areas of interest can be searched and identified
Of course, it is also possible to search by using the GPS coordinates:

Companies, attractions and other places

The map search engine can search in much more detail and more versatilely. For example, you can search for tourist attractions, castles, museums, churches, but also plumbers, barbers, butchers, even just in the nearest area.

More information about searching for companies and tourist attractions »

Nearby search

If the map is zoomed in to show a large detail, the search engine automatically prefers results in the location near you.
In addition, you can directly enter a search term exclusively around a particular point. Just search for the appropriate word, e.g. restaurant near Ivančice.

For more information on advanced search options, please click here.



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