Panorama and privacy policy

How do we protect your privacy

All images captured by mobile mapping system will be automatically processed as soon as they are taken, without anyone viewing them, and the faces of captured people and license plates will be blurred. If it happens that any of the object will not be detected, it is possible to report the error and we shall fix it immediately.

The cameras placed on the roofs of the vehicles are positioned low enough in order not to “peep” through hedges and walls of private lands that are not normally seen from human-perspective on the street. 

What can be reported:

  • Protection of personal data
    With an automatic detection it may happen that the algorithm may not detect a face or license plate. We will be happy if you report such an error to us so that we can correct it as soon as possible. 
  • Inappropriate content
    If you find naked people, violence, pejorative or offensive symbols or inscriptions, etc.,in the images, please mark everything that is of inappropriate content and the entire affected area will be blurred.
  • Private property
    If your property (car, garden, open garage door, open entrance to private property, etc.) is captured in the image and you do not want it displayed, you can also report it to us. But please remember that too much effort to hide can, on the contrary, attract unwanted attention. To help prevent others from blurring the image, we also need to know your credentials to verify that the request is legitimate.
  • Other possible errors
    The error may not always be only an inappropriate image. The street may have been given a wrong name, the house may have a wrong house number, the picture may be in the wrong place, or part of it may be missing. If you encounter any deficiency, we would be happy if you notify us and our operators will seriously address it.

We protect privacy by law

People and their property will appear in Panoramas, but privacy will be fully respected. Copyright protected by legal regulations, in particular by Act No. 121/2000 Coll. on Copyright and Rights Related to Copyright and on Amendments to Certain Acts. The data will not be transferred to outside third parties and the provisions of Act No. 101/2000 Coll. on the protection of personal data and amending to certain acts will be respected.

Further information regarding personal data in panoramic images provided by Cyclomedia is available here.

How to report a request?

To report a request, we recommend using the report an error button that appears in the lower right corner of the map.

More information on the error reporting procedure »


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