Circuit Route Planner for biking and walking
If you have at least one POI entered in the Route Planner, you can plan a trip around the area on foot, by bike or on cross-country skis. Basically, you can plan a trip in the area nearby from any point on the map.
By clicking on the icon of a cyclist or a cross-country skier, the circuit will lead mostly on cycle paths or cross-country tracks.
By moving the scroll bar you can easily adjust the length and duration of your trip.
Planning a circuit
In the area where you want to go on a trip, click on the button Trips in the area in the right panel and the automatic planner will suggest you a short walk prefering hiking trails and nature trails in the area.By clicking on the icon of a cyclist or a cross-country skier, the circuit will lead mostly on cycle paths or cross-country tracks.
By moving the scroll bar you can easily adjust the length and duration of your trip.
Circuit Optimization
Additional waypoints can be added by moving the mouse cursor over the calculated circuit and by dragging the route to the desired location. There are no limitations set for the route modifications.
You can also view the elevation profile of the planned circuit route at the bottom of the right panel.
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