How do I purchase Premium on the website?

On the web, you can purchase Premium here, or open the green "Go to Premium" button above the map. The website will then offer you the option to pay by card through our payment provider Paddle.

To purchase a subscription, you will need to log in on the website and have a payment card, PayPal, Google Pay, or Apple Pay available. 

Currently, we cannot process subscription payments via bank transfer, cash on delivery, or other methods.



Step-by-step guide for purchasing on the website via the Paddle payment gateway

  1. On the website, above the map or in your user account details, click on the green button "Go to Premium". You will be redirected to the proposition screen, where you will find all the key information and the price of Premium.


2. After clicking on the Premium price, you will be redirected to the Paddle payment system. The payment page is currently available only in English, but we are working on a Czech version.

Here, choose your preferred payment method. If paying by card, enter your card number, its expiration date, and the CVV code from the back of the card. Confirm the payment and click on the green Start your free trial button (Note: If you have previously had Premium and later canceled it, the 7-day trial period will no longer be available).

The subscription price will be displayed as 0,- (CZK/EUR/USD). This is because the 7-day trial period occurs first, and the payment is processed after this period.

You can also pay via PayPal, Google Pay, or Apple Pay.

If you do not see Google Pay as a payment option, you may not meet one of the requirements:

  • You must be logged into Chrome with the account linked to Google Pay.
  • You must have a payment card saved in the Google Wallet app.
  • You must enable the Wallet setting "Allow sites to check if you have payment methods saved."


In the lower-left corner, you will see the email to which the Premium subscription will be linked after a successful purchase. Please check that it is the correct account (email) you use to log into on both the web and the app. Payment information and an invoice will also be sent to this email.

3. Verify the purchase - you will be prompted to verify the payment with your bank (likely through your mobile banking app, SMS, or another verification method). After verification, click on the Continue button. Ensure online payments are enabled and that your payment limit is sufficient. 

4. You will receive confirmation that the payment transaction has been verified and the purchase was successful. Return to via the arrow in the top-left corner of the screen.


5. You will then see confirmation of your successful purchase, along with all relevant details, in your profile. There, you will find a link to manage your subscription on the Paddle platform, as well as an option to cancel the subscription.

6. After completing your purchase, you will receive two emails, including the payment receipt.