How to sign up for a new account linked to Google mailbox

Below you can learn how to create a new user account if you already have your own e-mail address with the or Microsoft domain and want to use all services and applications except
Once you register with your own address, it is not possible to activate a Seznam mailbox.
You should consider creating a new account with your Seznam mailbox.
  • To start your registration procedure, visit
  • In the form that appears, select the option I have my own E-mail.
  • Enter your own e-mail address in the E-mail address field.
  • Now, you will be redirected to your Google/Microsoft account login page.
  • Once you enter your Google/Microsoft account password, you will be redirected back to your Seznam account.
  • In the next step, you chose your password. You may find it useful to review our article on how to choose a Secure Password.
    • The minimum password length is 6 characters and the password cannot be the same as or similar to your username.
    • When you enter your password, an indicator will show you how strong your chosen password is. The strength of your password is a measure of how easily it would be to guess your password. It is in your best interest to make sure that the indicator is as green as possible when it evaluates your password.
    • Choose a strong password containing numbers, capital letters or basic special characters (e.g. *, &, %, !, etc.). Characters with Czech diacritic marks (letters with slashes and commas) and the space character are not supported.

  • Next you need to enter your Birth year and you can choose from available options for Gender.
  • Last simply, click on Continue button to confirm the creation of your new account.
  • Based on the provided date of birth, your current age is checked. If you are under 18 years old, confirmation of the correct age entry is required.
    • You will be redirected to the second step of the registration process Phone Number Verification.
    • Enter your phone number in the field and click Send Verification Code.
    • If you are registering on an Android mobile device with Chrome browser, you may encounter the option to "auto-fill" the verification code from SMS message.
    • You give consent only for your device and only for this SMS message in order to receive the verification code.
    Note: You will need to include the international area code if you are verifying a number from a foreign mobile operator (e.g. +421xxxxxxxxx, +357xxxxxxxxx, etc.).
    • Do not exit the registration form and wait to receive the SMS message with the verification code. The code is only valid for a limited time.
    • Once you receive the SMS message, enter the code in the field Enter code from SMS and click Complete number verification..
    • If you haven’t received the SMS message with the code or if you need a new confirmation message to be sent, click Resend SMS code.
    • In this step you automatically agree to the Terms of Use.

    On the last screen you will find a confirmation of the account creation and you can proceed to Seznam services.


    Well done! Your account is now registered.

    Once you have registered and logged in, we strongly recommend enhancing the security of your account by using a Two-Factor Authentication or Recovery E-mail Address.

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